Tipične i uobičajene greške u engleskom jeziku, disc – disk

Uobičajene greške, engleski

Poznato mi je da ste jako napredovali u učenju i korišćenju engleskog jezika :-). Ipak danas želim da vam predstavim jedan izuzetan sajt, tačnije jedan određeni deo.
Idemo redom.

Svi imamo neku vrstu pomoći za spell check, postoji i online Spell Checker.
Međutim, šta se desi ako imamo dve ili više varijanti, sve su tačno napisane, a mi se dvoumimo koja je reč prava, ta koju tražimo za kontekst koji pišemo.

Da li je vs. skraćenica od verses ili versus, obe reči su tačno napisane, ali imaju drugačije značenje.

The “vs.” in a law case like “Brown vs. The Board of Education” stands for Latin versus (meaning “against”). Don’t confuse it with the word for lines of poetry—“verses”—when describing other conflicts, like the upcoming football game featuring Oakesdale versus Pinewood.

Ako ponekad imate takvih dilema, a i uopšte ako mislite da nemate nikakvih dilema, kliknite ovaj link i pogledajte spisak tipičnih grešaka u engleskom jeziku, sa sjajnim i interesantnim objašnjenjima.

Daću vam još par primera:

šta je pravilno – disc ili disk

Pročitaj: engleski ćitanje -mb, -mn na kraju reči kako se čita

“Compact disc” is spelled with a “C” because that’s how its inventors decided it should be rendered, but a computer hard disk is spelled with a “K” In modern technological contexts, “disks” usually reproduce data magnetically, while “discs” (CD-ROMs, DVDs, etc.) reproduce it “optically,” with lasers.


breakup ili break up, šta kažete, šta je pravilno?

A breakup is what happens when two people break up. The one-word form is the result, whereas the two-word form is the action that leads to it.

backup ili back up
To “back up” is an activity; “back up your computer regularly”; “back up the truck to the garden plot and unload the compost.”

A “backup” is a thing: “keep your backup copies in a safe place.” Other examples: a traffic backup, sewage backup, backup plan, backup forces.
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