Postoji mnogo lista na internet koje se bave statistikom – koje reči se najčešće koriste u engleskom jeziku.
Termini koje moramo da znamo kada je ova tema u pitanju su Sight i Dolch words, objašnjenje pogledaj ovde.
U ovom tekstu vam predstavljam listu sa sajta
Lista je sastavljena po azbučnom redu, date su reči, značenja na engleskom kroz opise, prevod (dodala Amarilis), primeri upotrebe i izgleda ovako:
Pre liste – savet: koliko je važno da znate značenje svih reči sa liste, još važnije da znate upotrebu u rečenici kao objašnjenje svake reči na engleskom.
Najčešće reči u engleskom
Top Vocabulary Words
All – svi, označave sve pripadnike, elemente neke grupe ili skupa
- Everyone in a group.
- All the children did their homework.
And – i sastavni veznik, povezuje delive rečenice kao i više rečenica.
- A conjunction that joins parts of speech together in a sentence.
- She jumped, jogged and danced in gym class.
Boy – dečak
- A male child.
- The little boy asked his mother if she would buy him candy.
Book – knjiga
- A long text of words that people read.
- The college student had to read a 500-page book for English class.
Call – zvati, vikati, glasno pričati radi ostvarivanja koontakta, zvati nekoga telefonom
- To yell out or speak loudly; to contact someone by phone.
- The girl called out to her brother so he would wait for her.
Pročitaj: kako se čita wr – i kn- na početku engleskih reči
Car – automobil, kola
- A four-wheeled vehicle that transports people from one place to another.
- He drove the car from school to work.
Chair – stolica
- A piece of furniture that can hold one person.
- My mother is the only one allowed to sit in the big chair in the living room.
Children – deca
- Young people who have not yet reached adulthood.
- The children didn’t listen to what their parents told them.
City – grad
- A place where many people live.
- New York is the biggest city in the United States.
Dog – pas
- An animal that many people have as a household pet.
- My dog likes to play with bones.
Pogledaj: – ough, 6 načina da se pročita ova grupa slova u engleskom jeziku
Door – vrata
- A passageway from which you can enter or exit a room or a building.
- The students rushed through the classroom door just before the bell rang.
Enemy – neprijatelj, suprotno od prijatelj
- The opposite of a friend. A competitor or rival.
- The hero of the story killed his enemy with a sword.
End – kraj
- To finish something or come to a conclusion.
- The end of the book was a happy one.
Enough – dovoljno
- To have more than one needs of something.
- Most Americans have enough food to eat, but that’s not true in other countries.
Eat – jesti
- To consume food.
- The children liked to eat apples and bananas after school.
Friend – prijatelj, suprotno od enemy
The opposite of an enemy. Someone on your side and with whom you enjoy spending time.
- The girl played with her friend in the yard until her mother told her to come inside.
Father – otac
- A male parent.
- The father picked up his child when she started crying.
Go – ići
- To travel to and from a location.
- We go to school everyday.
Good – dobar, dobro,ponašati se lepo na pristojan način
- To behave well or in a kind manner.
- My mother said that if I’m good and don’t hit my brother, she will take me to the movies.
Girl – devojčica, devojka
- A female child.
- The girl dropped her schoolbooks on the ground.
Food – hrana, jestiva supstanca koji ljudi i životinje jedu da bi preživeli
- An edible substance that people, animals and plants eat to live.
- Starving people do not have enough food to eat and may die.
Hear – čuti (slušati je listen u večini slučajeva)
- To listen to something.
- I could hear my brother and sister arguing from the other room.
House – kuća, dom, mesto gde žive ljudi
- A place where people, often families, live.
- My friend lives in the biggest house on the street.
Inside – unutra, unutrašnji deo nečega
- The internal part of something or to be located within something.
- The inside of the house was warm and cozy.
Laugh – smejati se
- To express that you find something amusing.
- The children laughed after the clown made a joke.